Azerbaijani Partners
European Partners
- The visibility of research output in AZ HEIs is limited;
- There is also an evident lack of understanding of OA-related general procedures and ethical principles among researchers and students;
- Several institutions in Azerbaijan have OA institutional repositories but OA publishing is less common;
- Common trend among scholars to publish their research findings in highly reputed journals, most of Azerbaijan publications is either unpublished or delayed;
- High costs of publications have contributed to limited growth of Azerbaijan scholarship;
- Some research outcomes addressing local and regional developmental issues, may eventually get published in local journals with poor distribution and recognition;
- Providing access to volumes of national research has become a priority in recent years.
Project Partners
Activity by year
three steps to success
Project Structure
- Developing Project Management plan (including contingency clusters);
- Consortium Agreement;
- Developing Self-financing;
- Report on National Coordination Team (NCT) Meetings;
- Report on International Management Team (IMT) Meetings;
- Report on Virtual Meetings of IMT and NCT;
- Providing Operational and Financial Activities;
- Organizing Day-to-Day Management Activities;
- Kick-off meeting.

- Designing and conducting survey research in Partner AZ-HEIs;
- Identifying needs of partner AZ-HEIs;
- Report (and surveys) on estimation of research output size and the current practice of research output management and open access in AZ-HEIs;
- Report on needs of partner AZ HEIs.

- Education material preparation workshop;
- Preparing education material;
- Preparing training delivery plan;
- Preparing Vocational School training material in Azeri and English languages;
- Education material preparation workshop;
- Education materials;
- Training delivery plan;
- Vocational School training materials in Azeri and English languages.

- Reviewing and learning best practice and standard of EU countries in digital repositories management;
- Delivering Basic and intermediate training (Summer School);
- Delivering Advanced Training for instructors on different topics identified in the project;
- Delivering training for Potential Staff Members on OAIRs for inclusive education in EU Partner HEIs;
- Delivering Regular Workshops on Research Activities;
- Delivering workshops on copyright and fare use plagiarism.

- Developing structure and activity plan of the Integrated network of OAIRs;
- Research Data Management Study;
- Develop Institutional Repository policies;
- Develop repository implementation plan for long term support and management.

- Implement seven institutional repositories in partner AZ-HEIs;
- Evaluation workshop;
- Develop promotion and advocacy plan for institutional repository;
- Support installation, integration issues and scaling up activities;
- Creating database of teaching and learning materials for inclusive education;
- Creating a DIRNA Virtual Reference Desk.

- Organizing Quality Control Team Meetings;
- Developing Quality Assessment Plan;
- Coordinating Project Quality Monitoring Activities.

- Delivering Press Conferences;
- Publication of promotional materials;
- Publication of Joint Annual Report;
- Delivering Final conference;
- Maintenance of the Developing Research Capacity through Institutional Repository Network in Azerbaijan official website;
- Dissemination plan;
- Sustainability Action Plan.

- December 4, 2024
Event within the DIRNA Project: "Open Access and Science Diplomacy"
- July 24, 2024
DIRNA Summer School Agenda, Ganja, Azerbaijan

Webinar on Institutional Repository Implementation Plan
Webinar on Institutional Repository Implementation Plan

Webinar on Artificial Intelligence Utilization
Webinar on Artificial Intelligence Utilization